Old News Revisited-Refresher!
>> Friday, September 10, 2010
It has come to our attention that Facebook is a little wacky right now. Some blogs are taking longer than normal to post and I noticed that some blogs were magically re-posting themselves from previous entries. No big deal as Facebook sometimes goes a little nuts when they are in the process of a change or improvement. These are good things. As the world wide web continues its expansion, we continue ours.
Good news. At the NACE Experience 2010 conference in Austin, we learned a lot about Social Media. We already knew a lot of the information they shared, however, one can never know it ALL. As the attendees eyes glazed over with confusion, our eyes lit up. It made us aware of a few things. We have job security(!) and that it is more important than ever to harness free based social media. Attending the conference opened our eyes to the simple fact that if our clients are messing up the PAID FOR advertising and marketing, they are SURE to mess up the FREE. This isn't meant as a DIG against our clients, simply a wake up call for all of us. After only one session, we realized that if our clients spent the time it takes to learn, understand, keep up with, implement and achieve a conscious branding experience, they would have no time to sell their products or services. As small business owners, we already do EVERYTHING ourselves and there has now become a need for a service that makes sense of it all.
brandITbandits doesn't take the Internet for granted. Social Media is human and organic. It is always changing and improving and we only hope to continue to learn and grow with you. It is my passion that small business owners have access to affordable marketing and media solutions where they maintain security and transparency of their image and brand name. Thus, Social Bandits exists. brandITbandits put a label on the free based social media world. And, if TIME is MONEY, then you are paying a lot more than you should. Social Bandits is a set-up service coupled with a low monthly maintenance. If you are glazed and confused about social media, our team is here to coach you and uncover your marketing needs.
Some tips and free advice:
- Facebook now allows any business profile with at least 25 fans to secure their own URL on Facebook. An example is www.facebook.com/
brandITbandits Our team has worked diligently to secure that position for each of the profile pages we manage so that someone else didn't get to it first. - Networked Blogs: this application on Facebook now syndicates your blog and posts it in real time to your business profile pages. Since that recent release, our team will work to make sure that each blog has been registered to the networked blog application and syndicated it for faster / improved updating. Another cool improvement is the ability to now see the BLOG icon in your tabs on the business profile page. Facebook users and fan will now have the ability to see your BLOG through the networked blogs application. This app continues to improve and FOR NOW the most efficient way to import your blog to notes faster.
- Reviews: The reviews TAB in Facebook is underused and imperfect, however, that team is constantly making tabs and applications better and more enhanced. Facebook recently launch Questions and Answers. It's an ability to POLL Facebook users and rivals Ask.com and eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com. I'm interested in playing around to see what happens. You never know if you are going to get a legit answer or if legit questions are being asked.

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