Reinvention...and It Feels So Good.
>> Monday, January 10, 2011
There's nothing better on a warm summer afternoon than a cool frappucino from Starbucks. Or, on a cold Holiday evening, a hot latte to warm the soul. Starbucks has been controlling and maintaining body temps for almost 40 yrs and with a resume that long, it's not a stretch to say the company has managed to keep their image young and modern by constantly re-inventing their brand. In fact, to celebrate 40 yrs in the biz, starbucks is planning on unleashing a brand new version of its original logo. Hey, if starbucks can re-invent and re-establish their brand in an effort to stay modern, shouldn't your small biz do the same? We think so! Check out an awesome article featuring a Q & A with Starbucks' SVP Terry Davenport discussing the new logo. Then, waltz over to to find out how you can reinvent your small business brand today!

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